Why Roadtrip?

I've always loved a good road trip.  Growing-up, my family was a driving family.  Wherever we were going, it was in our van loaded down with luggage and snacks.  As long as I had the dramamine handy, I was excited to get on the road and see all the new places I could see.
There is just something about being on the road that begs for unique experiences.  
In college, most of my best and closest relationships were built around a vehicle to somewhere and the bond that comes from trying your best to hold it!
When we were just barely friends, I fell in love with my husband on the road to a college football game.
Camps, mission trips, vacations, adventures, weekend getaways...you name it. I have lived a life chock full of road trips.  

When I started this blog, I was spending four days a week driving 150 miles round-trip to work.  At first this drive was monotonous...burdensome, even.  It became easy to dread waking up to sit in my car.  It seemed almost natural to resent the daily road trip.
So why don't I hate it?  Because just like road trips have been a continuing theme in my life, so has God's faithfulness.  He daily teaches me that life is not about the destination, but about the journey.  Just like we could waste our lives by never living in the present, I could waste my journey every day by dwelling on the seconds it takes me to get to my front door.
Now, I work in my town but spend most weekends chasing my husband's teams around the greater Texas panhandle.

So this is the story of how I take joy in the journey of life.